Monday, March 30, 2009

Last days (for now) of Peach State Imaging

In order to make time for studying for the Oral Board exam in Radiology I must put aside my business of Peach State Imaging. PSI has provided interpretation services to clinics and hospitals in the Columbus, GA area for 2 years. We had even started providing interpretation of prostate MRI. Unfortunately, there are just so many hours in the day and with the Oral Board exam coming up in June I just had to devote all my extra time to that Exam. Who knows what the future holds in Wisconsin, but for now PSI will be on hold.

YouTube - Meet the YouTube Symphony Orchestra

YouTube - Meet the YouTube Symphony Orchestra

MRI Anomalies May Predict MS

MRI Anomalies May Predict MS

Dr. Leon Love, 1923-2009: Head of radiology at Loyola University Medical Center for 17 years --

Dr. Leon Love, 1923-2009: Head of radiology at Loyola University Medical Center for 17 years -- Obits -- Obits --